Folk Harp Journal

The ISFHC Quarterly Publication

The Folk Harp Journal (FHJ) is a wonderful resource for all harp players, from the complete novice to the master. With regular articles on such diverse subjects as harp journeys and travels to interesting places, harp building, all breeds of harps, harp maintenance and accessories. The FHJ features news and reviews of past and upcoming events, news from the ISFHC Chapters, tips and tricks for being a great harpist, Harp Classifieds, and TONS of printed music, it’s a wonder we can contain everything between the covers! If you would like to submit something to us, please review our Submission Details 2024 (Click Here).

This is what you might find in just one issue of the Folk Harp Journal:

  • Lots of great music
  • Sheet music reviews by Denise Grupp-Verbon
  • An article on memorization
  • An article on practice habits
  • A report on a recent festival
  • Advertisers Index
  • Classifieds
  • Membership Form

And in nearly every issue you’ll find:

  • Letter From the President/Editor
  • Cynthia Cathcart’s “Ringing Strings” column
  • Laurie Riley’s “How We Learn”
  • Anne Roos discussing “The Harper in Business”
  • The “Top Ten YouTube Harp Videos of the Quarter.”

If you’re not a member of ISFHC, go straight to the Membership page and send in your membership dues. You’re sure to get the next issue of the Folk Harp Journal. There’s so much information out there—why not let the Folk Harp Journal bring it to your door? To subscribe to the FHJ, you simply become a member of the ISFHC. If you’re wondering what the Folk Harp Journal is like, click the link below to see a partial issue. The link will show you part of a recent issue. We hope it will be a teaser and help you decide to join the society and receive four issues annually of music, articles, and all the harp information you could want!

Publication Schedule

The Folk Harp Journal is published four times per year according to the following schedule:

Issue                   Article Deadline*           Column/Ad Deadline      Expected Mailing Date (US arrival about 10-days)
Spring Issue        Mid-December              January 8th                       February 15th
Summer Issue     Mid-March                     April 8th                             May 15th
Fall Issue             Mid-June                       July 8th                               August 15th
Winter Issue        Mid-September             October 8th                       November 15th

*Article deadline assumes you have communicated with the Editor and she is awaiting your story. Unsolicited submissions will be evaluated and used when appropriate and/or space is available. 

Contact Information
  • If you’re wondering where your FHJ issue is, please click here to email Alice Williams.
  • If you’d like to submit an article for publication in the journal, we would be thrilled. Please review these Submission Details-2022. Then, click here to email the Editor-in-Chief, Beth A. Stockdell.
  • If you need information about placing an advertisement with the FHJ, please see our Advertisers page. Then, click here to email Beth.
  • In reference to Classified Ads (free to members), click here to email Elizabeth Goossen.
  • Requests for sheet music reviews should be sent to Denise Grupp-Verbon. Click here to email Denise.
  • If you would like to nominate a video for the “Top Ten YouTube Harp Videos of the Quarter” feature, contact Deette Bunn. Click here to email Deette.
  • If you would like to add events to the quarterly calendar feature in each issue, contact Danielle Schagrin. Click here to email Danielle.

Beth A. Stockdell, FHJ Editor-in-Chief, has created and maintains an index of the nearly 50 years of the Folk Harp Journals. You will easily be able to search this document for references to specific songs, people, etc. For each issue the cover art is listed (if applicable), then columns, articles, memorials (if applicable), music, and then miscellaneous items, such as poems or recipes. The index is in Google docs at FHJ Index. Back issues of the Folk Harp Journal may be purchased from Musicmakers. To order online, go to the FHJ Order Page.

To subscribe to the Folk Harp Journal, you simply become a member of the International Society of Folk Harpers and Craftsmen.

Click below to see a video that shows the history of the FHJ and how far we have come. Be sure to watch it full screen with sound! You might want to watch it twice – once to see the transformation over the years and a second time to appreciate all the details. The video is 7:20 minutes.

FHJ Cover Video